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No runner ever won a race by looking over their shoulder. They are focused on the goal - the finish line - the prize. We have to put the past behind us, live in the present, and press toward the prize of the high calling.

-Jesten Peters

I shall give you the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven and whatever you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19 The Translator's New Testament

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Jesten is available to travel anywhere that the doors are open for her to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Meetings can be from one service to a retreat/advance, or a seminar. The only requirements are that expenses* are covered and a love offering be received.

*Expenses refer to travel to and from the meeting, lodging and food. If more than one meeting is scheduled in an area, expenses can be shared by those ministries.






6401 Saint Johns Ave., #166, Box 36
Palatka, FL 32177